Manuka Honey UK
Pouatu Mānuka
Premium New Zealand Mānuka honey is a taste of wilderness; complex, rich with wonder, and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Pouatu Mānuka Limited is a boutique company producing honey from New Zealand’s unique Mānuka tree, also an award-winning multifloral Forest honey. Located in The Forgotten World of New Zealand, an area of wild natural beauty and a place where our bees can thrive undisturbed. The team manage every part of the process to ensure quality – from land care to hive management, to harvesting and packaging. Experienced beekeepers who all love being part of this amazing industry. Manuka honey UK distributed but produced in The Forgotten World of New Zealand.
Pouatu Mānuka is truly single sourced which translates into high UMF and MGO honey with unrivalled taste. Now that you know more about us, let’s discover more about Manuka honey.
Manuka honey is a unique type of honey native to New Zealand and is produced by bees that feed on the Manuka plant. It is used as a natural ointment for wounds of all kinds and is considered a ‘super food’. Manuka honey is a natural ointment that can be used as an effective treatment for wounds of all kinds. It’s been touted by some to fight against drug-resistant germs, but there are also claims it could help treat other conditions such as acne or sinus issues.
It’s not just about the sweet taste that makes it so great, but also its many benefits! Manuka honey has been shown to be antibacterial and resistant to bacteria-building tolerance. This means that bacteria shouldn’t be able to build up a tolerance to its antibacterial effects.
Manuka honey is said to be effective for treating everything from a sore throat to clearing up blemishes on your skin.
Some of the benefits of manuka honey include:
The production of pure Manuka honey is limited, as it’s only harvested from one main flower – the manukas. However, multiflora honey contains the nectars from many different flowers which means they can be blended or mixed.
The most potent manuka honey has been proven to have a rating of 10 UMF or more. Here at Pouatu Mānuka, we provide the highest quality of manuka honey with strong UMF ratings. The honey is subject to very little processing which means the honey is in its natural state with all the natural ingredients retained. This is what helps provide more powerful health benefits than regular or mixed honey.
Pouatu Mānuka is truly single sourced. We don’t blend from regions around New Zealand and keep to our single sourced creation. Our intention is to capture the flavour of one place – The Forgotten World.
We sell only what our harvest provides each season; quantities are strictly limited. This translates to unrivalled taste. Unlike many other Mānuka honeys that are sharp and astringent. Here at Pouatu we pursue a subtle, gentle flavour profile with a smooth, velvety texture and finish.
Our ethos is clear – keep it simple and make sure everything we do is 100% right!
We must produce the best honey, look after our bees and their hives, look after the land as well as building strong long term relationships across our business.
Our honey is good – it needs to be talked about!
Feedback is 100% positive – we need, we welcome all contact, all questions, all feedback.